IPCC Climate Change 2013: Assessment of the Future - Future of the Assessment, San Francisco

Location: San Francisco, USA

Date: 09-10 December 2013

IPCC Climate Change 2013: Assessment of the Future-Future of the Assessment


Monday, 09 December 2021, 6:15pm - 7:15pm

Town Hall meeting TH15B

This Town Hall Meeting provides a forum for the science community that carried out the assessment in the IPCC's 5th Assessment Report Climate Change 2013 to exchange ideas and views on future assessments, and to explore ways in which the science community can effectively continue to contribute its expertise.

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Tuesday, 10 December 2021, 10:20am - 12:20pm

Union Session U22A

This Union Session will feature five invited keynote presentations on highly policy-relevant climate change topics from the Working Group I contribution to the IPCC's 5th Assessment Report: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. The topics are: observations, clouds and aerosols, carbon cycle, sea level rise, and climate change projections. The purpose of these science presentations is to explain the recent assessment to the wider science community, to discuss gaps in scientific understanding and major uncertainties, and to identify areas of future research.

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The Union Session is an AGU Virtual Option and will be live-streamed and recorded for video on demand access.


Olivier Boucher: Importance of clouds and aerosols in assessing climate change

Philippe Ciais: Carbon cycle and climate change, a tale of increasing emissions and uncertain sinks

Jonathan Gregory: Understanding and projecting sea level change: improvements and uncertainties

Dennis L Hartmann: Observations and Understanding of Recent Climate Change

Reto Knutti: Future global and regional climate change: From near-term prediction to long-term projection