Call for Author Nominations

IPCC member governments and participating observer organisations were invited to nominate experts to serve as Coordinating Lead Authors (CLAs), Lead Authors (LAs), and Review Editors (REs) of the various chapters of the three Working Group contributions to AR5. The call for nominations was issued on 15 January 2022 and a total of 977 nominations were received for positions within the WGI contribution. All nominations were reviewed and their scientific and technical expertise was assessed in relation to the approved chapter outlines for WGI AR5. These nominations were supplemented where gaps were felt to exist by nominations from the WGI Bureau. In drawing up a final slate of Lead Authors and Review Editors to undertake a comprehensive assessment with the necessary balance of disciplines, the WGI Bureau also considered regional and gender balance, as well as ensuring involvement of those who had not been involved with IPCC before.

In accordance with the IPCC procedures, the chapter teams selected by the Working Group Bureaux were presented and finalised at the 41st Session of the IPCC Bureau in Geneva, Switzerland, 19-20 May 2010. Acceptances of the invitation to participate were received from the 258 Coordinating Lead Authors, Lead Authors and Review Editors for the 14 Chapters and the slate for the WGI AR5 was finalised in June 2010. In the course of the next two years, a few individuals found that they were unable to undertake the tasks expected of them, either due to ill health or other work priorities, and stepped down, in most cases being replaced. All such changes were approved by the WGI Bureau and the final list of the WGI AR5 chapter teams is available here.